Wednesday 19 February 2014

Sustainable Transportation Future


     Hi there! First of all we want dedicated our thanks to Madam Shakira for guide us in proceed this task. For this post, we want to share to all of you about ‘Sustainable Transportation Future’. Lately we have informed to all of you about the five modes of transportation that we can use in our life right? But in this post, we would like to make some studies in order to treat transportation well until our future. Nowadays, there are many factors that we can discuss to sustainability the transportation.

     For the green transportation definition,it is more to decrease a vehicles on the road. Furthermore, this way also can save the environment. For example, we can walking to workplace or college to get the green transportation. we also can cycling to do our jobs and go for another place in our daily life. Walking and cycling is good for our health and environment control than driving. We no need to drive and get the environment is full of a fume. Next, for every parent who wants to submit their kids to the school, they can use a public transportation. It will reduce congestion in road and reduce fume. The another example of green transportation is using a hybrid cars. Consumers are buying increasing numbers of environmentally friendly cars. Increasingly, many of these environmentally conscious consumers choose to purchase petrol-electric hybrid vehicles. This is because it uses less fuel and has lower emissions. 

    Next, for sustainability the transportation, the factors of environment is the important thing that we need to know and discuss. Consistently, the analysis found that transportation is one of the biggest sources of pollution in the Malaysia contributing to poor air quality, noise disturbance and congestion. So, in this case we want to give a proposal about to decrease environment pollution. We can use car pool is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. It is very suitable and a good way for us especially for worker. If we want to go to the same places, we can share the car at once decrease our cost. This is because, when we use our car pool we can carpooling reduces each person's travel costs such as fuel cost, toll and the stress of driving. Carpooling is seen as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduces air pollution, traffic congestion on the roads, and the need for parking spaces.

     Economy factors is related to sustainable transportation future too. This is because the freight and logistics industry is highly important to our economic well being both as an employer and in serving producers and consumers, importers and exporters and the service industries alike. Beyond the direct contribution of the transport sector to the economy, transportation also has a much wider impact on competitiveness with the potential to help economic prosperity through improved connectivity, reduced congestion, improved journey time and reliability, and increased accessibility. Having a region where it is easier for people and goods to move around not only affects 

existing firms, but also the general quality of life for 


     Lastly, transport plays an important role in social equity and can be a powerful catalyst to sustainability through providing connectivity, learning and development, elements that are essential to all people. Its includes the following qualities. It allows the basic access and development needs of people to be met safely and consistent with human and ecosystem health and promotes equity within and between successive generations. It also affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, offers a choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development and it limits emissions and waste within the world ability to absorb them. In this way, we can achieving a good education, contributing to gender equity through improved mobility, improving health, ensuring environmental sustainability and developing partnership through linking people and places.

     That's all from us, we'll meet again in the next post. Thank you for reading!

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