Thursday 17 April 2014

Highway transportation advantage.

As we know, highway transportation is one of the famous mode of transportation. why? because it provide many advantage to their users. besides that, in Malaysia have many transportation company that provides highway transportation service.

one of this mode advantage is provide a door to door service. means, highway transportation like a truck or van, it can send our goods until in front of our house and it will make our works easier. that's means we don't need to waste our cost for the fuel to go take the goods that we order. it is not same like water or air transportation, they can't provide door to door service because water and air carrier need a port.

second is the accessibility. means, with truck, we can access into the place even the place is deep in the jungle. as long there have a road, this mode of transportation still can go through it. besides that, this mode of transportation price was not expensive like air and water carrier.

third, this type transportation is always available. why? because in  Malaysia, there are many company that provide this service. So, it will become always available, that's why this mode become one of the best mode that many people choose.besides that, highway transportation also one of the most flexible mode of transportation. why? because this mode is not same with others. we can choose whenever the time to delivery our goods.

our goods condition also can be take care because when we use highway transportation, the container will be seal and road condition is more smoother than sea waves, so, our goods condition can be take care properly and finally we can receive our goods in the same condition that we order.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Shipment Process by Vessel.

We as a carrier must be very expert in the shipment process from the first step until the last step. now, we would like to explain about all the shipment process.

the first step is, we will get the purchase order from our customer and we will know what are they want and how much the quantity of the goods that our customer want. after we get the purchase order, we must check the stock at the warehouse and if the stock is available, we can continue with doing a rate analysis and after that we can choose the most suitable carrier.

after we get the carrier, we must book the space for our container and then the carrier will give us the booking confirmation. after we get the space on the vessel, we must pick up the goods that our customer order. to do that, we must use the haulier to pick up the container at the depo and from the depo, the container will carried to our warehouse to load it with the goods. after it done, we must find the freight forwarder to settle all the business that relates to customs. when the customs approve, we can seal the container and we can send the container to the ports.

at the port, we will load the container into the vessel and then the carrier will ask us for the shipping instruction and they will give us 5 pieces of bill of lading, 2 for us and 3 more for our customer. after all of that settle, the carrier will transport our container to our customer port.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Information technology for transportation.

There are many types of information technology for transportation. The first one is the basics bar coding, EDI, and track and trace. Bar coding is simple, we always see it in our live. For each product, it will have the bar coding that will give the information about it such as the expired date, the manufacturer and many more. Next is EDI. EDI means electronic data interchange. I will give you an example that is internet. When we want to order something using Facebook, we will chat with the seller and when the sellers reply our question, that’s means there are information interchange happened that using an electronic device that is internet.
Next is track and trace, track and trace will give us an information about our product location. It also using the bar codes but it is more advance because we can trace where the location of our product is and with this technology we always can control the movement of our product.
Another information technology is the internet emerges. We can use internet as information resources, communication, and transaction. Transportation requirement planning is the way that shipper and carrier can contact during the transaction. Next is internet-intelligent applications, this technology is more to transaction business and process.

More than that is transparent EDI. With this technology, the seller and buyer can share the information but there have other people that still can know about the information. That’s mean, the information is for public. Next is data warehousing. Before this warehouse company only can contact with the transportation company but for the future warehouse, they can link their database for another system of warehouse.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Carrier strategies

Now we would like to discuss about the carriers strategies. There are many strategies that used by the carrier to improve their service. The first one is intermediate handling should be minimized. Means, we need to minimize stoppage. When we always stop our operation, the cost will increase and there are many time will loss.
Second is the full capacity of the transportation vehicle should be minimized on each run. That’s means the vehicle that we use must fully utilized with cargo because with that we can save our cost with consolidate from the small shipment to a larger shipment.
Third is consolidation and break-bulk activities should be used to achieve full capacity for long-haul moves. Means, we must consolidate and break-bulk for long distance move and with that we can save cost and we also can achieve economy of scale.
Fourth is movements should be scheduled and dispatched. The transport that we use must be scheduled carefully because without schedule we cannot run our operation smoothly and that will give a bad effect to our operation such as delay and shortage. The delay and shortage will decrease the customer satisfaction and that also will give a big impact at our company reputation.
Last is empty mileage should be minimized. That’s mean the truck that we used must be fully loaded with cargo. When our truck is not fully loaded, there will be a waste and that will increase the cost. Even it looks very simple but it is very important to make sure our operation is running efficiently and effectively.
Next strategies are using the technology and equipment. For example is the larger vehicle, or the more freight or passengers that can be moved in it. That’s means, the strategies with using the larger vehicle because with the larger vehicle, we can carry more cargo and more passengers.
The second reason is that larger planes, trains, trucks, and so on carry more payloads without a proportionate increase in crew equipment. Means, even the vehicle is become larger, the number of vehicles is still remain.

Another strategy is using hub and spoke route system. Hub and spoke system have many advantage such as save cost, save time, no need to invest more vehicle, the operation also will become more efficient.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Transportation System Development Laity Effectively

The government's efforts to upgrade and improve the quality of public services should be lauded. This is because it not only for the convenience and benefit of the people , but also an effort to reduce pollution from the use of fossil fuels high in the transportation sector in Malaysia. However, the effect of the use of fossil fuels for decades already we experience today. The proof of the impact of fossil fuel use has resulted in widespread phenomenon of global warming that ultimately also affect global climate change. Have we ever thought, what we will face if we continue to be at ease with just dependent on fossil fuel sources alone? While resources are the major contributors to the pollution problem we face today.

Are we prepared to see environmental fate shrouded in gloom we continue to neglect our deck to find a solution to this problem? While we have a better option may be the buffer to the fossil fuels that we use today. One of these is the application of green technology in the generation of comprehensive and integrated source of energy and also all our daily activities. Just what the question is the extent of our awareness of the importance of green technology? If we observe, on this level of public awareness of green technologies is still low and has not reached a satisfactory level. The proof we can see when there are many factories that emit black smoke that are harmful. Similarly, the fuel consumption of motor vehicles that are worrying us. In fact, these days we also witnessed the destruction of our natural environment with impunity, the rivers are polluted and carbon emissions into the air at random and in large quantities.

While we should be more responsible members of the community and be sensitive to our environment. Each activity should be thought of in advance of the environmental merits. For example, the use of vehicles and machinery that use fossil fuels (petrol and diesel) resulting in severe air pollution. In fact, the impact of burning fossil fuels can produce poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other pollutants. In fact, if we look at the location of the large cities of focus such as Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, the level of pollutants from vehicles is definitely higher than the areas of focus. This will have a direct impact on air quality (air quality will deteriorate in locations that experience high traffic congestion). In addition, the traffic situation is not managed properly will result in wastage of resources and also affect the health of people who breathe these pollutants directly.

Thus, the government's effort to upgrade the public transport system in Malaysia is an appropriate measure in order to preserve environmental sustainability. This is because, from statistical reports National Energy Balance 2008, it was found that the use of fossil fuels in the transport sector in Malaysia has increased by 35.8 % between 2000 and 2008. This percentage will certainly continue to increase if no appropriate measures are taken to reduce usage.
Recognizing the fact that it can only be avoided if there is a development in the public transport sector, the government has worked to improve the quality of public transport to reduce that percentage. In fact, the continuing development of the public transport sector can also accommodate the growing demand for such services.

Therefore, efforts to reduce emissions through the development of effective public transport would have a positive impact on the country. For example, it can not only save lives, but also save the environment and provide economic benefits to the country. Moreover, if we have an effective transportation system and perfect, we will be able to reduce energy waste and environmental pollution. In fact, energy waste and pollution will be minimized if more successful the support and use of public services. But the question would people use public service to move from one destination to the other every day? Certainly it is a bit heavy for average as he answered our own more comfortable ride.

While the willingness and cooperation of the community is necessary to accomplish this goal. If this plan fails, not only the money of the people melts, but also a source of energy is wasted. Therefore, as people who are concerned about the future of the environment, we must agree and welcome the government's noble efforts to develop an efficient public transport system. Hopefully with the support of all parties on the MRT project developed by the government, it would be good positive results on the welfare of the people or the environment as a whole. Even if the plan is able to achieve its goals, not only the environment can be preserved, otherwise well-being we will also secure.

In addition, an effective resource management system should also be implemented in a more serious and integrated to ensure the supply of energy and the sustainable use for human consumption in the future. In fact, to prevent our planet threatened by heat, the use of alternative energy sources from renewable sources (renewable energy) and environmentally friendly is encouraged. This is because, with the application of green technology as a whole will be able to help preserve the environment to the maximum level.

In fact, we should realize that our earth is no longer able to bear the burden of sustainable consumption and energy waste caused by people. In order to overcome this problem, the efficient use of energy in all activities is essential to the problems that plague the environment is minimized. Moreover, in a culture of awareness of green technology and engage in making green technology programs that have been implemented by the government are also important so that problems can be resolved on the issue of energy down to the grassroots.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Road regulation and the types of road

A road is a thoroughfare route or way on land between two places which has been payed or otherwise improved to allow travel by some conveyance. Including a horse, cart, or motor vehicle. In a simple words, road is a place for all types of road transportation was used to move from one location to another location. When we talk about all types of road transportation, that's mean from motorcycle to the big truck such as trailer and tanker.

There are many road regulation that already stated by government. All the rule and regulation was make only for one objective that is for the safety of all people that use the road and people that stay near to the road. The example of road regulation is a speed limit. As we know the speed limit is different follow the types of road transportation. For the car, the speed limit is 110 km/hour and for commercial transport is 90 km/hour. That is the speed limit on the highway. It is not same with speed limit on the federal roads and state roads. On the federal roads the speed limit is 90 km/hour and 60 km/hour in town area. For the state roads, the speed limit is 90 km/hour and 60 km/hour in town area.

For your information, federal roads or in Malay is Sistem Laluan Persekutuan Malaysia is the main national road network in Malaysia. All federal roads in Malaysia are under the purview of Ministry of Works. State roads or in Malay is Sistem Laluan Negeri Malaysia are the secondary roads in Malaysia. The construction of State roads in Malaysia are funded by Malaysian Public Works Department or JKR of each states.

All the regulation that was made by government only for the safety of us and we as a road user must follow all the instruction and all the rule while we use the road. We must thinks about the other road user because they also can involve in the accident if we are not use the road properly. 

Thursday 27 March 2014


 The relationship between transport and environmental issues is one of the most crucial elements in progress towards sustainable development. Continued growth in transport services and traffic volume has led to environmental problems which are further accentuated by heavy congestion at system bottlenecks. Public awareness of the problems is increasing.

  The transport sector contributes to many environmental problems: about 60% of CO emissions come from transport, transport accounts for 25% of total energy-related CO2 emissions, of which 80% comes from road transport (passenger cars accounting for 45% and freight one-third). More than half of total NOx emissions come from road transport (CORINAIR data) and transport is a major source of volatile organic compounds. Transport is the major generator of noise, and in countries where data is available appears to account for 80% of noise nuisance.

  Although, in relation to air quality, the use of catalytic converters will lead to a reduction of NOx, HC and CO emissions over the next few years, severe air quality problems persist in certain cities and in terms of ozone on a regional scale. In the medium term increased traffic may offset the gains from technological improvements. By contrast, CO2 emissions from transport show an increasing trend. Predicted growth in CO2 emissions from transport exceeds the forecast of the increase of CO2 emissions in other sectors (see also the Commission Report Energy: Consequences of the Carbon/energy tax, SEC (92) 1996).

  Road transport of goods and passengers has increased by about 45% and 41% respectively since the beginning of the 1980's. In parallel rail transport of goods has actually decreased and passenger rail transport has only seen a 10% increase. Forecasts on road transport predict continuing steady growth over the next decade, and a substantial trend reversal is not yet in sight (source: European Conference of Ministers of Transport data).

  Air transport has a higher growth rate than any other traffic mode; it is expected to grow by 182% in the period 1990-2010, reflecting a much faster growing demand for business and leisure travel than expected in 1992 (European Environment Agency).

 As concerns freight transport, in 1992, of each 100 tonne/kilometres, 70 were realized by road transport, 16.3 by rail transport, and 4.4 by inland shipping. There are estimates that the transport of goods expressed in ton/km will double between 1988 and 2010 (European Environment Agency).

  The membership of Greece, Portugal, and Spain brought about a marked increase of North-South freight transport during the 1980's. At present, over 70 million tons of freight annually cross the Alps between Italy and Northern Europe. These trends demonstrate a much stronger increase of international, rather than domestic transport.

  Transport, communications and urban form cover an overlapping area of rising academic and practical concern. This paper traces several of the many themes brought together under different professional banners, and shows how a confluence of interest is emerging.

  The themes are the developments in urban planning analysis, transport and time use studies, telecommunications and industrial location, all of which contribute to the area of locational effects of improved telecommunications technology, and are affected by alterations in the nature of work and the uses made of time by individuals. The convergence of geographical, planning, transportation and communication developments now requires explicit investigation, as the timings of technological and theoretical developments appear to coincide with the emergence of a significant need to do so. Some of the gaps between present knowledge and expertise that need to be filled are specified.
These include the investigation of the testing and use of current land use integrated analyses for road and development assessment, investigation of the nature and characteristics of work and education which are most affected by telecommunications and computer support, development of longitudinal monitoring methods for overall urban development leading indicators, exploitation of newly-available cross-sectional household and city data sets in conjunction with historical data for longitudinal investigations and forward projections, accounting for altered family structure and activity patterns and the anticipation and assessment of probable further technological change, which can and will undermine many current long term commitments.